Joyce Joumaa

ImagesCVActualitésExpositions Biographie

Joyce Joumaa
b.1998 Beirut, Lebanon 

2016-2021, BFA in Film Studies, with distinction – Concordia University 


2026, UQO Gallery, Gatineau, Canada (upcoming exhibition)

2024, Eli Kerr, Montreal, Canada 

2024, Centre D’exposition Plein Sud, Montreal, Canada

2024, Contact Festival, Young And Dundas Public Square Commission (Video screens), Toronto, Canada

2023, CCA Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada 


2025, Jaou, Tunis, Tunisia

2025, Brunette Coleman, London UK

2024, Parloir Tournai, Belgium

2024, Saint Laurent, Eli Kerr, Montreal, Canada

2024, Together? Together, Screening at Istituto Svizzero, Rome, Italy 

2024, Foreigners Everywhere, 60th International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

2024, Not everything is Given, ISP Curatorial Whitney, New York, United States

2023, Dawn Draws, Dusk Drops, Joys, Toronto, Canada

2023, Writing Mountains, Stewart Hall Gallery, Montreal, Canada 

2023, The beauty of Impermanence, 2nd Sharjah Architecture Triennale, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

2022, USE 22 Exhibition, FOFA Gallery, Montreal, Canada

2022, MAADI, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada 

2021, Quand Soudainement, Espace Voltaire, Paris, France 

2020, Exposition de Membres, Articule, Montreal, Canada

2020, Resilience Resistance, Warren G. Flowers Gallery, Montreal, Canada

2019, Papyrophobia, Lux Magna Festival, Montreal, Canada

2018, Vols de Nuit organized by Dazibao, Montreal, Canada

2018, Papyrophobia - Art Installation – part of Femmes Cachées, Ausgang Gallery, Montreal, Canada

2018, Seed the Bomb Exhibition, Parc Jean Drapeau Canadian Pavillion – Hosted by 

2018, The Alternative Denmark, Entremise and the Concordia Faculty of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada


2024, Darat Al Funun, Amman Jordan

2024-2026, De ateliers, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2023, Neither at Land nor at sea, UNIDEE Residency Module V, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, Italy 

2023, Ada X Local Residencies, Ada X, Montreal, Canada

2021-2022, Emerging Curator Residency Program, CCA Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada

2021, Parc Offsite, Montreal, Canada 


2023, Research & Creation Grant 2023, Canada Arts Council 

2023, Production Grant Recipient 2023, Periculum Fondation pour l’art Contemporain 

2020, Publication Grant, Fine Arts Reading Room 

2020, Publication Grant, Public Studio PS Guelph 

2020, Special Project Grant, Archive Counter Archive 

2017, Fine Arts Students Alliance Special Project Grant 


2024 , Recipient, The William and Meredith Saunderson Prize for Emerging Artists

2024, Finalist, Prix Oeuvre de la Relève, CALQ (Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec)

2023, Recipient of Bourse Plein Sud Finalist, Prix Pierre Ayot 

2021, Recipient of Emerging Curator Residency Program, CCA Canadian Centre for Architecture 


2024, Guest Lecturer, ETH Zurich 

2024, SESSION, Mercer Union 

2024, Guest Lecturer, Fabulating Futures for a Planet in Crisis, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 

2023, Guest Lecturer, Defining Landscape, Daniels John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture,

2023, Landscape and Design at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,

2023, Guest Lecturer, Cities, Growth, Politics, and Power - Disrupting Colonial Continuities, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna, Austria 

2023, Panelist, Screening of films by Farah Al Qasimi and David Hartt, CCA The Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada 

2022, Participant artist – Conversation, The Green Resilience Project 

2022, Artist talk – PhD Seminar in Global Histories, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

2022, Artist talk – POP Montreal Symposium, Montreal, Canada 

2022, Artist Talk – L’autonomie des artistes et commissaires émergents, Livart/Artch, Montreal, Canada

2022, Panelist – Curation as Research Creation, UAAC Conference 2022 Conference of the 

2022, Universities Art Association of Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 

2022, Session 29, Dazibao, Montreal, Canada 

2021, Panelist – Dismantling Racism work in Art Institution, Galerie UQO, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada

2020, Participant artist – Conversation, Probing the Potential of Cultural Institutions, Phi Foundation, Montreal, Canada

2019, Panelist – Rôle Des Artistes Femmes Arabes dans la Scène artistique à Montréal, Festival du Monde Arabe, Montreal, Canada 

2019, Panelist - Militantisme et cinéma: Regards de cinéastes libanais durant la Révolution, RIDM; Cinema Politica; DocQuebec, Montreal, Canada 

2019, Panelist – Liban: La Révolution Continue; Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada 


From the void came gifts of the cosmos, 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia 

North American Premiere of To remain in the no longer, Images Festival Toronto, Canada

Official selection of To remain in the no longer, Open City Documentary Film Festival, London, England 

Screening of To Remain in the No Longer, MUDAC, Lausanne, Switzerland 

Film screening, Cinema Moderne, POP Montreal, Montreal, Canada 

E-flux screening room, Film as a curatorial tool, New York USA


2024, The House on the Corner, Parloir 2024, Emergent Magazine

2024, Wij, vreemdelingen. Venetië: ‘Foreigners Everywhere’, De Witte Raffte

2024, Projection mapping : Joyce Joumaa

2024, Joyce Joumaa: That Was Then and So Is Now

2024, Meet the Montreal-based filmmaker who'll be the youngest artist at the Venice Biennale, CBC Arts

2023, Writing Mountains Review by Mojeanne Behzadi

2023, New documentary by Joyce Joumaa finds architectural allegory for Lebanon’s crisis

2023, Vie des Arts - Review

2023, Diary of dawn draws, dusk drops

2023, Interview Koozarch

2023, [Critique] «L’inertie du vide»: au Liban, un mirage moderne? | Le Devoir

2023, Esse - Review To Remain in the No Longer - Announcements

2023, e-flux
program - Announcements - The CCA announces its 2023 program

2023, Dix expos d'arts visuels à surveiller

2023, The Politics of Architectural Neglect | Architect Magazine

2022, FIFA is proud to welcome Joyce Joumaa as guest programmer

2022, Stanley Février pointe du doigt l’invisibilisation des artistes des minorités visibles

2022, Une muséologie inclusive à la manière de Stanley Février | Le Devoir

2022, The FOFA Gallery Undergraduate Student Exhibition is on now — in person - Concordia University